America's Most Accomplished Boatbuilder

That might sound like a somewhat large claim. But the record (and the boats) back it up. No other American builder can boast of the impressive range of vessels built by Derecktor. From Cakewalk, the largest private yacht ever built in the U.S., to Americas Cup winner Stars and Stripes, to mighty military vessels, Derecktor has done it all. And done it right.


As the name implies, a custom yacht is a personal thing. It can reflect, as do few other creations, it's owners tastes, accomplishments or dreams. Over 70 years and hundreds of yachts of every conceivable type, we've been gratified to help people live the experience of building their boat. Each one, and each owner, different. Yet each the fulfillment of an individuals dream and a company's craft.


Commercial vessels are built to work. Whether a yacht club launch or a warship, they have a mission to fulfill. At Derecktor, we take pride in the fact that the boats we build not only succeed in those missions, but often exceed their designed performance and  their expected service life. When it comes to boats that work for a living, we know our job is to make sure they are built to do theirs.