Will Cornelius, P.E., Facilities Engineer at Derecktor Shipyards, has been appointed to vice president of The Florida Engineering Society, Region V: Treasure Coast.
FORT PIERCE, FL – The Florida Engineering Society has appointed Will Cornelius, P.E., to serve as Vice President of Region V: Treasure Coast, encompassing Highlands, Martin, Palm Beach, Okeechobee, and St. Lucie counties.
For more than 100 years, FES has been furthering the public’s knowledge and understanding of the importance of engineering. The organization supports engineering education, advocates licensure, promotes the ethical and competent practice of engineering, and enhances the image and well-being of all engineers in the state of Florida.
Cornelius, Facilities Engineer for Derecktor Shipyards, has served in a number of capacities at both local and state levels with FES since joining in 2004, including the Commission on Legislative and Government Relations, Ethical Practices Committee and Professional Concerns Committee.
“The reason professional engineering licensure got its start more than 100 years ago was to protect public health, safety and welfare,” Cornelius said. “FES plays a vital role by helping increase knowledge and understanding of engineering as it relates to large-scale projects in our community and beyond.”
As Facilities Engineer, Cornelius leads the design, optimization, review and implementation of site improvements at each Derecktor yard, including the recent lift pier extension at Derecktor Dania. This improvement allows the yard to fully utilize its 900-ton mobile boat hoist, which can now haul vessels up to 220 feet in length.
He’s currently overseeing civil engineering improvements of Derecktor Ft. Pierce as it is converted from a 100-year-old industrial cargo port into a world-class megayacht refit and repair facility. The soon-to-arrive 1,500-ton mobile boat hoist will be the largest in the world, capable of hauling vessels up to 250 feet in length.
Founded in 1947, Derecktor Shipyards has since become a worldwide leader for excellence in the construction, repair and refit of yachts, commercial and military vessels. Today, four Derecktor facilities span the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S. from Maine to South Florida, offering vessel owners and operators everything from marina space to megayacht construction. For more information about Derecktor Shipyards, visit www.derecktor.com, email jbeard@derecktor.com or call 772-595-9326.